June 6, 2012

Top 5 - Rainy day

It is June but the skies are grey and the air remains cool. We have been getting a lot of rain in Switzerland lately and the weekend forecast does not look any sunnier. But hey, rain is fresh and it makes everything cleaner and greener. I love going for walks in the rain. Air smells so fresh and it makes the skin feel years younger. It is the most organic and cheapest treatment available! So here are my 5 favorites for a rainy day:

1. go for a walk in the rain and breathe in deep, wear colorful wellies
2. take a relaxing bubble bath and daydream
3. cuddle up under a soft blanket to read and listen to the rain drops
4. open your windows to clean the air in the house with the nature's very own air freshener
5. make a comforting cup of tea and watch a romantic movie

Wishing you be.you.tifully happy rainy days!

Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

June 4, 2012

Grow dreams

I am a big fan of daydreaming. You know, shifting into those thoughts that take you to a happy place even in the most unpleasant surroundings and situations life throws at us. Those inner whispers are so important since they tell you what truely makes YOU happy, not what everyone else thinks or says. It's your heart speaking to you directly. I recently read very visual tips on reaching your dreams, which are well worth sharing. You really do not need to wait for anything or anyone to make them happen. It is all in you!

Just imagine you are in the most beautiful garden. Visualize the dreams as little seeds and you can start growing them. There are simple ways to help them grow faster by watering, loving, caring and protecting them carefully. Keep watering them by visualizing them, reading, writing and thinking about them. Keep loving and caring about them, don't ever forget them. This will guide you to make the right choices. Make sure you keep them a secret or protect them by not letting anyone's opinion affect your vision. Finally, do things that will have you grow in the area of your dreams, this will keep you happy on the way. Take a course, change your job, cut expenses, learn a language, make new friends, try without fear... Never ever let anyone negative waste your time or stamp on your seeds when you are making your dreams grow. Any weeds will need pruning from your secret garden. One by one they will pop up in that garden. There is nothing stopping them grow big and beautiful. You will see.

Keep gardening my friend.